


Corporate Social Responsibility

UREXPORT S.A. has a Corporate Social Responsibility policy that ensures an active contribution to social and environmental improvement.

The company has a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, emphasizing business integrity, labor standards, health and safety of resources, and environmental management.


Commitment with people

UREXPORT S.A. thinks about its human capital in terms of health and safety, trying to establish responsible and transparent labor relations, promoting equality and diversity, and encouraging professional growth; essential aspects for building relationships of trust with customers, suppliers, consumers, and the community.


Commitment to the planet

KRIOS is committed with the responsible management of natural resources and protecting aquatic ecosystems and the environment.

The company is aware of the importance and responsibility involved in managing such sensitive natural resources. We adhere to the Responsible Fishing Practices recommended by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Uruguay Natural program. In addition, company policies include special environmental care and the application of a prevention program for the health and work of human resources, focusing its global activity with social responsibility. Thus, Urexport is synonymous with quality and commitment to the environment and consumers.